
These resources have been selected based on the quality of the information they provide. 赌博十大靠谱软件希望它们对你有用.

如果您对您的残疾有具体的问题或有兴趣了解更多与残疾有关的问题, the following links will connect you to a wide variety of internet resources. 考虑到互联网的动态特性, this is by no means a complete list of the resources available to you on the web. 然而, these resources have been selected based on the quality and variety of information they provide. We hope that they will get you started in the right direction.

这个列表是在…的帮助下编制的 低等, 这是华盛顿大学的一个资助项目, 致力于增加残疾人在具有挑战性的学术课程和职业生涯中的成功参与, 比如科学, 技术, 和工程, 在 高等教育和残疾人协会 (提前), a National Professional Organization focusing on issues concerning disabilities in postsecondary 教育.


These websites make up our top five most useful websites for students with disabilities.

  • 低等 (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology)
    The 低等 program is a grant-funded project connected with the University of Washington, which promotes the success of students with disabilities in the classroom and in the work world. 低等还提供有关辅助技术的信息 学生休息室,以及其他资源.
  • DVR is a 状态wide resource that provides assistance to individuals with disabilities in getting and keeping a job. DVR是一个由州政府和联邦政府赞助的项目.
  • U.S. 教育部民权办公室(OCR)
    美国.S. 教育部民权办公室 helps students with disabilities, 以及其他面临歧视的学生群体, 获得平等的受教育机会.
  • 高等教育与残疾协会


Assistive 技术 refers to a variety of 技术 such as software, 电脑, and other devices that allow students with disabilities to access information in an alternative format. Listed below are 网上资源链接 that provide information on various types of assistive 技术.


  • 华盛顿辅助技术法案计划
  • 无障碍网页(WebAIM)
    WebAIM seeks to improve accessibility to online learning opportunities for all people; in particular to improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities who currently may have a difficult time getting access to online learning opportunities.     


  • 龙的自然语言
    Dragon natural Speaking是一款语音识别软件. 这个软件把口语翻译成印刷文本.
  • 自由的科学
  • JAWS®for Windows
  • 库兹韦尔
    库兹韦尔 is a reading program for people with learning difficulties and for those who are blind or visually impaired. This 技术 allows 电脑 to read printed text using a synthesized computerized voice.
  • OpenBook
    OpenBook是为个人阅读开发的, edit and man年龄 printed media by scanning it and converting it to digital information. 它包括语音和定制功能.
  • SensusAccess
    SensusAccess is an online text conversion tool that lets you convert your readings into more accessible formats. SensusAccess对任何拥有SPU电子邮件地址的人都是免费的
  • ZoomText
    ZoomText offers a wide variety of software and hardware geared toward individuals with visual impairments. This 技术 magnifies and enhances printed text and also serves as a screen reader.


这些网站提供详细的信息, resources and references geared toward individuals with specific disabilities.



  • 华盛顿州盲人服务部
  • 西雅图盲人灯塔
    This private 年龄ncy provides employment and training opportunities for the blind, deaf-blind, 还有其他残疾的盲人.



  • 听力言语及耳聋中心(HSDC)
    听力语言和耳聋中心(HSDC)为听障人士提供各种服务,如适应性设备, 熟练的临床医生, 教育工作者, 治疗师, 和专家.


  • 学习障碍协会(LDA)
  • LDOnline
    LDOnline provides a variety of resources and information on learning disabilities. 该网站还包含来自学习障碍和残疾人权利领域的广泛专家的文章和建议.
    对于有阅读障碍的学生, 书写困难, 或计算障碍, this site offers tips for navigating post-secondary 教育, 网上资源链接, and information on your protected rights as a college student. 
  • 华盛顿学习障碍协会
    本网站为会员提供有关学习障碍及注意力缺失症的最新研究资料。, 给父母的实用建议, 有关学生受教育权利的最新法律, 关键的工作场所策略和住宿技巧, 赌博十大靠谱软件ld和ADD的全国好的赌博软件推荐, 获得信息和转介热线, 还有会议和研讨会的折扣.


  • 美国精神病学协会
    A resource for individuals seeking knowledge and additional information on psychiatric mental 健康 concerns, 该网站致力于为公众提供教育材料,并为精神病学领域的专业人士提供教育和研究网络. 还有一个倡导行动中心 , 草根网络, 还有一个政治行动委员会, which keep current on legislative and 法律问题 concerning psychiatry and mental 健康.
  • 美国心理学会



花点时间读一读 低等的文章 which details how to begin requesting accommodation for various graduate and professional tests. You can also learn about the process for requesting accommodations for documented physical, 心理, 或者学习障碍 教育考试服务中心(ETS).

For information regarding accommodations for specific graduate level tests, 请参阅以下连结:


Listed below are sites that provide general information on topics such as e-text, 有声读物, 讨论列表, 以及其他重要资源.

  • 高等教育与残疾协会
  • 无障碍教育
  • 桥梁残疾事工:

    桥梁残疾事工致力于建设无障碍, inclusive communities and end isolation among people with disabilities.

  • 低等 (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology)
    与华盛顿大学有联系, the Do-IT program promotes the success of students with disabilities in the classroom and in the work world. 低等 programs include outreach programs to assist high school students with disabilities with the transition from high school to college; students with disabilities transferring from a two-year to a four-year college; volunteer and mentoring programs; and career services for students with disabilities. 低等还提供有关辅助技术的信息 学生休息室,以及其他资源.  


  • 学习的盟友
  • Bookshare.org
  • SensusAccess
    SensusAccess is an online conversion tool that allows you to convert documents from one file type to another. This includes creating audio files for class readings and other text base files. SensusAccess对任何拥有SPU电子邮件地址的人都是免费的.
  • 华盛顿有声书和盲文图书馆
    通过西雅图公共图书馆提供, The 华盛顿有声书和盲文图书馆 maintains a large collection of books and magazines in audio, 盲文, and large print formats are available to Washington residents.


美国残疾人法案(ADA), 1973年康复法案第504条, 华盛顿州禁止基于残疾的歧视的法规概述了在课堂内外为残疾人提供便利的权利和责任. 以下是美国残疾人法的有用和信息链接, 第504节, 以及华盛顿州的法规.

  • 美国残疾人法案主页 (U.S. 律政司)
    This website provides in depth information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • 客户援助计划-西雅图办事处(CAP)
  • DisabilityInfo.政府
    This is a directory of 政府ernment links geared towards people with disabilities, 他们的家庭, 雇主, 服务提供商, 以及其他社区成员. The site provides information on subjects such as employment, 教育, 技术, 健康, 独立生活, 以及公民权利.
  • 职业康复科(DVR)
    DVR is a 状态wide resource providing individuals with disabilities assistance with getting and keeping a job. DVR是一个由州政府和联邦政府赞助的项目. DVR与社区和企业合作,为残疾人创造就业机会. Training through 教育 and/or 技术 may also be funded based on DVR requirements.
  • OCR Brochure: Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know your rights and responsibilities.
    这篇文章,由美国国务院准备.S. 教育部民权办公室, outlines rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities in postsecondary institutions.
  • 1973年康复法案第504条 (美国劳工部)
  • 1973年康复法案第504条 (卫生与公众服务部)
  • U.S. 教育部
    美国.S. 教育部 website contains detailed information on all aspects of 教育, 包括经济援助的信息, 为大学做准备, 法律问题, 以及目前的研究和统计数据.
  • U.S. 教育部民权办公室(OCR)
    美国.S. 教育部民权办公室 helps students with disabilities, 以及其他面临歧视的学生群体, 通过执行禁止种族歧视的联邦民权法,获得平等的受教育机会, 年龄, 国家的起源, 性, 或残疾. 本网站包含有关投诉程序的信息以及1973年《好的赌博软件推荐》第504条和1990年《赌博十大靠谱软件》的链接.
  • 华盛顿州行政法规
  • 华盛顿州人权委员会
    The 华盛顿州人权委员会 works in partnership with numerous organizations at the federal, 状态, 在地方层面. 这个网站是一个很好的信息资源,赌博十大靠谱软件国家法规管理基于残疾的歧视, 比赛, 种族, 宗教, 或性. It also provides more specific information on fair housing and equal opportunity employment in the 状态 of Washington.